Saturday, March 2, 2013

A star is born...nee` a Planet is born..

A team of astronomers led by researcher Sascha Quanz  of the Zurich Federal Institute of Technology  reported what they think to be the birth of a new planet some 335 light years away. It might be developing into a planet similar to Jupiter in our solar system, with all the cloud of gas and dust out there.

An Artists impression of planet being bornPlanet formation till now had been only studied or visualised through computer simulations. The observation of this planet’s birth supports the formation of planet by picking up dust and leftover gas from the formation of a star. 
The researchers were humble enough to consider to be able to find every resource in place at the right time to observe this spectacular phenomenon.

The team of six scientists conducted its observations using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT). The VLT is the world’s most advanced visible-light telescope and is located in Chile’s Atacama desert.

They will continue observing the formation of this planet using every possible technique once the findings are confirmed. The new born star that might have resulted in the birth of this planet has been named HD100546. The planet is believes to be 70 times far away from the star when compared to earth’s distance from the sun. HD100546 is also believed to be orbited by another large planet.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Save forests to save yourselves

Forests have been the root of evolution of life as a whole. Plants were the first to habituate this world and colonize this world. Forests are land mass where we find a high density of flora that can be home to a number of animals, insects and other life forms. Though they have been home and providers of food and other necessities humans have been destroying forests for their own personal greed and need. The main reason for deforestation had been timber and to grab land for urbanization or agriculture. But massive deforestation has been a cause of the modern day problems and take severe shape in the coming time if we do not save the forests.
·         Forests serve as home to several kinds of insects and birds. They are also home to a variety of plants, animals and many other life forms. They form a delicately balanced food chain and a complicated food-web. Destruction of forests can cause havoc to these food chain or food web, which in turn can be devastating to human civilization on the whole.
·         Destruction of natural habitat may cause wild animals to invade human civilization or habitats in search of food and shelter. Several cases have been reported around the world in the last few years.
·         Destruction of forest might lead to severe shortage of wood or timber which can be devastating to some industries that are dependent on wood.
·         Forests are known to be soil binders, and they bind the top soil. Massive deforestation can lead to washing-off of the top soil. This will mean that cultivation will become a tough job, and there will be no grazing space for domestic and wild herbivores. Moreover soil erosion will lead to formation of deserts like the Sahara and Gobi.
·         Forests are known to be water conservators and also maintain the water cycle. They also maintain natural water quality. They are known to affect in proper rainfall. No forests will mean erratic weather and increased drought or flood.
·         Forests have been a natural sink for carbon-di-oxide. Since carbon-di-oxide is taken up by forests and converted to oxygen, but with deforestation there has been severe accumulation of carbon dioxide. This is the major reason for global warming. We all know what effects global warming can have on the planet.
·         Forests provide us with green and aesthetic beauty. They also provide us with adventure. Forests can also be a source of natural honey, lac, and other things.
·         Forests are known to act as a buffer zone and take the major blow of storms.
·          They are also house to many plants and animals whose effects or medicinal properties are still unknown to us.
To protect forest is our duty, as they will be the ones to protect us. If there is no forest then there is a fair chance that there will be no life on earth in future as well.

Hilarious.....the relation between knowledge and money!!

Found this one too hilarious

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Critisicm:A blessing in disguise

As a typical male I used to react typically to criticism. Being criticized or accused used to make me very angry, and being corrected felt humiliating to me. Initially I used to be very angry, though used to try to fight with humor and fun, but ultimately resorted to humiliating or attacking the other with logical or illogical arguments to save some of my male pride. But as I started to grow old I understood the need of criticism and most of which were or are constructive ones.
I started to accept criticism truly. It is not that I was just lending my ears and preparing for some smart-ass answers, but I started to understand and listen. I tried to put myself in their shoes and understand the other person’s point of view. This I could do as I was growing older and I was criticizing others for some of their faults. This made me realize that I also must have been at fault that was oblivious to me.
Another thing that changed with me growing older was that I started to understand that the person criticizing me was in fact helping me. Instead of putting me in soup, the person was actually helping me to learn and unlearn a lot of things. This is actually to help me avoid in soup later on.
Another thing that I have learnt from my graying years is that since I cannot please everybody, it is useless to react to negative comments or criticism from strangers. I read or hear their criticism and actually discuss that with someone who is truly a well wisher. I actually value criticism, comments from people who are close to me, who matter to me, whom I respect, and above all from people to whom I matter.
Another method that my father and teachers used to teach me is count ten or hundred, maybe in a reverse order when you feel that you are getting angry, but during those young years I used to count very fast and there you go!!! With age and reading some really good biographies I have come to understand that at times not reacting or taking no action results in the best action. The other one starts remaining in a perennial fear of the retort.
Another thing I have learnt walking the path of life is to be humble. To admit mistake doesn’t make you a fool, on the contrary it makes you a better man. It also makes you respectable in others eyes also. It is fine to be mistaken, and there is no shame in admitting it. But trying to arrogantly hide a mistake or establish it as correct is shameful.
I have now come to understand the proverb “failures are the pillars of success”. I am not afraid of failures, as they teach me a lot of lessons. It is rightly said that “a defeat teaches you a lot of things, which a win cannot”.
Criticism is for your improvement, trying to understand that and taking it in your stride always helps you in every way of betterment. People who criticize cares and expects, that’s why they do it. They want you to deliver the best and nothing but the best, and this in some way helps you to learn things, and become better next time and every possible time. It is a necessary poison, and if taken wisely can be a wonderful medicine.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

free binayak sen

the colonial rule`s hangover is showing its fangs again!!!!
Free the good democracy......

Sunday, November 23, 2008

a conspiracy theory......a study....

a good conspiracy theory and the best ones are from Robert Ludlum. If you look at the economy throughout the past couple of decades, you'll see a pattern. Say that 20 years ago you got together a group of plutocrats with the goal of making the country a better place for big business. And let's say you started by creating a set of ideal outcomes. Then the scenarios would include
1. Find a way to put working-class people in their place, which is to shut up and be grateful to even have a job.
2. Open new markets for American goods, especially ones where they do not compete with goods from local companies.
3. Find ways to operate outside of government regulation and lawsuits.
4. Increase consumer spending without increasing wages.
5. Increase government spending without sparking inflation (which eats into the value of accumulated wealth).
Those five events would create enormous wealth without social uprising or government interference.
First, you create a global labor market. Doing so, you open new markets, such as China and India. Thus, you have more people to sell to, and, if done properly, lots of low-cost laborers, reducing your labor costs while getting rid of lots of pesky employees and the expensive annoyances they have become accustomed to, like benefits.
Indeed, you accomplish the quadruple-dip of wealth creation — suppress domestic wages, thwart inflation, and add new customers, all while side-stepping labor and environmental laws.
The only drawback to this scenario is that by suppressing wages, people have less money to spend on your products and services. However, if you could achieve easy credit, you could maintain or increase spending levels. Further, if you have a nice, costly war, you pump vast amounts of governmental money into the economy.
Take all this together, and you have two or three decades of what used to be called "unconscionable profits." You don't hear that phrase anymore because we as a society have agreed that there is no such thing — it is now a part of our culture that the more you can grab the better.
Would such a series of coordinated events require a conspiracy? No. Let's face it, the natural state of affairs in a free-market system is inequality, not equality. In order to have an income distribution that is becoming more equal would require compassionate effort. To have diverging income classes requires doing nothing. And nothing is what we, as a society, have done. We have conspired to not give a damn. So that is my conspiracy theory.
That raises the question of how working people can deal with the reality of a global labor market. Individuals must figure out what businesses have always understood: The real money goes to those who can get around the pressures of competition, to monopoly power. You get rich by having exclusive rights or information, like say owing the rights to the dominant software used by computers. For individuals, this monopoly power is individuality — there is only one George Clooney or one Tiger Woods. For most people, however, exclusivity is not an option; the best they can do is have a specialty. But say you are a trained specialist, like a radiologist, engineer or architect. You still might find yourself competing globally — for instance, architectural plans for US buildings are being drawn in China.
Thinking globally, you must take into account the geography of competition. If your work can be done via the Internet, then you are up against the world.
However, if it requires face-to-face meetings, then you have limited competition, perhaps even a bit of monopoly of geography. In other words, a career comes down to two principles: specialize and localize.
Global economic conspiracy theory says that controlers determine of economic fate. Is there a global economic conspiracy? if such a conspiracy exits what can we do about it.
There are many people and institutions that would like to control our lives. There is a lot of frustration and grief these controllers can bring. We do not have to suffer this. There are many ways to avoid those who take without giving. You can see below how history provides a guide.Our society may seem headed for ruin, but what we call chaos is really the universal way. Evolution works with three forces, the pressure of change (we call birth), the momentum of continuation(stability) and marvel of transformation (death). These forces are always in play and in balance. When things appear imbalanced, the imbalance is our misunderstanding, not an error in the universal way. Our duty is to adjust to reality, not the other way round. There are many ways we can successfully do this in the modern world. A seminar I conducted years ago in London featured Gordon Brown, member of Parliament who had been responsible for looking after Mikhail Gorbachev when he had just become Premier of the Soviet Union and was visiting England for the first time. Brown spoke in horror at how smart Gorbachev was. Our spirits sank. Our incorrect thinking? “The Soviets are bad. Anything good there is bad”. Had we been in touch with reality we would have correctly thought, “If the Soviet Union is bad, a really smart man will change the system.” Gorbachev did!
A first line of controller defense is knowing that all is in order. We cannot see or understand everything. Light does begin at the darkest hour. Every bad thing does push the pendulum closer to change. Patience is a virtue. The worst energy of negative energies is its own momentum.
One option is to ignore controllers. Get on with life! Chances are we will scrape by without pain. Most controllers eventually screw up and stew in their own juices. Enjoy the good in things as they are.
Or we can run (move somewhere where social principles are more in tune with our desires). This is not always easy. Family and friends usually cannot come along. Travel grows more wearisome and troubled every day. Yet this is one powerful and good option for some.
We can also fight. Fighting runs a gamut from becoming a terrorist (I will use Patricia Hearst, Timothy McVeigh, the holdouts in Waco and Ruby Ridge as examples of why not to choose this path) to being an activist.
Legitimate forms of activism run from general political activity (”Throw the bums out”) to dedication at balancing one aspect of a perceived wrong. Two of my children have taken this approach. One dedicated his life to preserving wildlife, the other to enhance human rights. They live simple Spartan lives, not too concerned with financial reward or material comforts. Their fulfillment comes from knowing that their lives stand for and are being used to express a positive action. If you are not too worried about wealth, health, status or comfort (these are the tools most controllers use against us) it is easy to become pretty immune to external manipulation. The popular portrayal of Mahatma Gandhior Martin Luther King are examples of this approach. Making a dent in even one negative aspect of life can be enormously satisfying and brings fulfillment. Having a battle to wage peacefully is satisfying, directing and provides a sense of cause. This is a powerful and positive way to fulfill one’s life.
Yet even this mildest approach of resistance has risks. Some controls will do just about anything to grab and mainatin control. Even open, honest confrontation with controllers can have danger.
This risk can be mitigated by being balanced and truly understanding power and change. We can enjoy our delights without being dictated by them. We can gain joy and hope from every event. We can see light at the end of every tunnel and look for and use the positive element in every action, no matter how terrible it seems. We can work to change no one or nothing but ourselves and be leading lights in whatever actions we do.
In short we can gain if we don’t push. We can let the momentum of the controllers do all the work and just pull a bit instead. I call this “Universal Karate”.
Years ago while living in the Andes with a group of shamans all the banks closed in Ecuador wiping out most everyone’s savings. On the evening of the bank shutdown a shaman staying with Merri and me discovered that he had lost every penny he possessed in the closure. He asked for us to gather round and gave a prayer of thanks for the change that this misfortune would bring. This is Universal Karate. He did not mourn for a moment over the loss, but looked immediately for the benefits this event would bring.
Positive energy can act like armor plating against controller attacks. This approach embraces turmoil for what it is, the universe, life, reality.
From a single infinite point this universe exploded into our current existence and its swirl is of steady never ending change running through times of chaos and times of calm. If we accept each realm for what it is, holographic illusions, and if we remain steady and fulfilled to what we are, not what we have or where we are or what we are doing,then we are impregnable by the controllers.
Imagine for a moment the Roman Empire. This was the place to live and be for hundreds of years. Being a Roman citizen was something really special. People were always trying to move there. They even had illegal immigrants just as Western countries do now. Then negative controllers took over and Western civilization fell apart. Some Roman emperors were really terrible, debauched, misguided, useless and interested only in their own self grandiosement. They controlled other peoples’ lives in the worst way. Roman senators and the elite lost their broad vision and controlled only for their short-term ideals of living in luxury and comfort. These leaders made the mistake of doing only for themselves and drained the spirit, finances and vitality of the public. Civil disputes grew. Caesar crossed the Rubicon. Invaders came and sacked the place. Terrorists began to abound! Sound familiar?
When Rome and its stabilizing energy was lost, Western society moved into a dark age. Barbarianism ruled. The mightiest sword was king. Civilization was isolated by distant, dangerous journeys. Civilized knowledge was hidden, rule of law lost and concepts of democracy,universal education, suffrage and welfare forgotten.
Yet some survived, prospered and grew enlightened even in these enormously uncivilized times. The monks and higher beings tucked themselves (and civilized knowledge) into well-guarded monasteries and lived good, fulfilled lives despite negative energies that so prevailed.
#1: Some of these people moved. The sun always shines somewhere and during the European dark ages other civilizations thrived. If we live in a society where we do not have to have permission to immigrate we can always go elsewhere if things are too uncomfortable for us.
#2: Some people fought. They developed strong armies and the crusades began. This was a spiritual quest driven mostly for material gains. Some thought they won. Most won, but this painful process did bring growth and evolution as well.
#3: Others stayed in fortresses. These hard to reach places and wise keepers of the arts refined and exemplified “Universal Karate” in their self-defense. They laid a foundation for martial arts, that used physical energy to complete the circle of understanding bringing clarity to the union between all things. The essence of these self-defense systems and martial arts is not to win through force of attack, but by directing the opponent’s force to carry the opponent to a point of knowing where there is no need for violence. These wise men applied this concept of “Universal Karate” in every aspect of their lives.
Controllers only have power over those who accept it. A recent message pointed out that it is our hunger and not the food that takes us to the feast. It is also our fears, not power of the controllers that give them control. The 14th century poet, Rumi, eloquently pointed this out when he wrote:
“I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I have been knocking from the inside!”
All joy and fulfillment is within. Controllers only have power if we open the door and invite them in.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what have we gained?????

world has changed and we also changed for the world L Good one to read through all the way! Are you missing those days? Sometimes I doDoordarshan , Doordarshan' s 7 colour Screensaver Serials like : Malgudi Days Dekh Bhai Dekh Ramayan / Mahabharat Nuukad / yeh jo hai jindagiMungarilal ke haseen sapaneChitrahar ( songs )Song like ...... Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Turning Point Bharath Ek Khoj Alif Laila Byomkesh Bakshi Tehkikaat He Man / Spider man Salma Sultana DD News Reader The Ad like ......Vicco turmeric, Nahin cosmetic Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream Twaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiinggggggg Washin powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma Doodh si safedi, Nirma se aayi Rangeen kapde bhi khil khil jaaye I'm a Complan Boy (Shahid Kapoor) and I'm a Complan Girl (Ayesha Takia) Surabhi: Renuka Sahane and Siddharth 'karamchand' .'Vikram Betal', etc. How did one survive growing up in the 70's, 80's and 90's? We had no seatbelts, no airbags and sitting in the back of a truck was a treat… Our baby prams had the most gorgeous lead based colours… No such thing as tamper proof bottle tops… Opening kitchen cupboards was a breeze… as safety locks were unheard off… Cycling was like a breath of fresh air… No safety helmets, knee pads or elbow pads, with plenty of cardboards between spokes to make it sound like a motorbike… When thirsty we only drank tap water, bottled water was still a mystery… We kept busy collecting bits & pieces so we could build all sort of things … and we were fearless on our bikes even when the brakes failed going downhill… We were showing off how tough we are, by how high we could climb trees & then jumping down….It was great fun…. We could stay out to play for hours, as long as we got back before dark, in time for dinner… We walked to school, or sometimes we even rode our bike. We had no mobile phones, but we always managed to find each other…. How? No one knows… We lost teeth, broke arms & legs, we got cuts and bruises and bloody noses…. nobody complained as we had so much fun, it wasn't anybody's fault, only ours We ate everything in sight, cakes, bread, chocolate, ice-cream, sweet sugary drinks, yet, we stayed skinny by fooling around. And if one of us was lucky to find a 1 litre coca cola bottle we all had a swag from it & guess what? Nobody picked up any germs... We did not have Play Stations, MP3, Nintendo's, I-Pods, Video games, 99 Cable TV channels, DVD's, Home Cinema, Mobile phones, Home Computers, Laptops, Chat-rooms, Internet, etc ... BUT, we had REAL FRIENDS We called on friends to come out to play, never rang the doorbell, just went around the back… We loved being let loose in the big bad world…without bodyguards… We played with sticks and stones, played cowboys and Indians, doctors and nurses, hide and seek, soccer games, over and over again… When we failed our exams we were given a second chance by simply repeating the same grade…without visiting psychiatrists, psychologists or counselors… Such were the days… We had freedom, success, disappointments and responsibilities. .. Most of all, we learned to respect others…
i know many of you might not agree with me..many of you would..but i deeply feel this advancement of science,technology and blah blah blah has actually given us very little and taken away much much more..
i miss a lot of things in life...